Mens Needs Solved: 26/04/2009 - 03/05/2009

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Saturday, 2 May 2009

Boredom Solved!

How to stop boredom?

Boredom affects all us men and like yesterday, today I am going to give you another few hints on how to end the boring days at work!

  1. Remember those bins that use to have basketball hoop's on top, so you could scrunch your paper into a ball and then take a shot! Well these American chaps have taking it to another level. Replace the paper will a ping-pong ball and the bin with a cup, oh did i mention involving tables and moving objects? Take a look and aspire to become them! They must of been bored and used this as a way to keep entertained! So watch their video and be amazed, just click!
  2. If you work in an office and share a desk or have a desk near you, then play this game! All you have to do it subtly start removing things from there desk! Start small like a few pen's but see hoe far you can get, slowly getting bigger and bigger! Of course timing is essential, but its worth it! You can sit there laughing why he convinces himself he's not going mad!
  3. Visit any of these site:
String Spin Toy:

Virtual Bubblewrap:

BigLongNow (Doors):


click bored:

Screen Cleaner:

Elastic Enthusiastic:

Paper Toilet:

Make My People Sing:

Let Them Sing It For You:

ZoomQuilt 2




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Friday, 1 May 2009

Think You Have Swine Flu?

Because swine flu is becoming a pandemic, there is now a website that allows you to find out if you have Swine Flu within seconds!
Just click>>>>


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Solve Boredom

As a man we all get bored very easily and seem to be able to entertain ourselves easily!
But just in case you are having one of those days were your mind cant do anything and your bored in the office, here are 3 ways to keep entertained at work!

  1. Office Olympics- This is the best way to stop boredom and also keep active, but you needs a few of your mates to join in, otherwise you may look a tad strange. There are many different activities you can do but these are my favourite:
  • Office Chair Race- 2 opponents must power there 'Chariot's' down the corridor to the finish line. You can use any means necessary to slowdown your opponent apart from violence
  • Trash Can Long jump- Line up all the trash cans in you office and all takes bets on how many you can jump over. The person who bets the most has to go first with that amount, if they fail they are out. Carrying on until you have a winner.
  • Office Chair Swamp- You need to borrow as many office chairs as you can (the more the better) and place them all in a tight space or an office is the best. Then you have to get from one end to the other in the fastest time possibly.
This is an amusing way to keep entertained but of-course be careful as i do not take any responsibility for any injuries that may occur during these activities.
For more info on office Olympics visit

2. as the site's name suggests its for those time's when your on the PC and pretending to do work! It has games, videos, viral and much more

3. Create a blog, why not? Create a blog about how you manage to entertain yourself at work!
Gives you hours of fun and also can bring in some extra money, who knows if your successfully you may even be able to quit and life off your blog.
(any blogs created about office boredom can thank me)

Or of course you could do some work! Could be fun?


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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Money Money Money

Greedy People!

Everyone nowadays is so greedy, its all about money!
I have just finished a shift at work and all day everyone is demanding money.
For example some money was accidentally charged for oranges rather then clementines. A grand price total of £1.27!
Yes £1.27!
OK it was a mistake by another member of staff so i said i will give her a refund! So after asking for a receipt, which she doesn't have because she said she didn't need one and walked off, she got moodier.
So following policy i gave her a credit voucher, which was wrong AGAIN! So i said sorry once again and said that i couldn't giver her cash as she has no receipt. But NO wrong again!
So here comes the manager, who also gets an ear full! And just gives her the money just so shes no longer blocking a till!
I just don't understand, it was £1.27! Sure it all ads up but we gave here a credit voucher but no she wanted the cash, so she could hold it!
It just annoys me how people just think I'M wrong even though I'm only following rules!
Some people eh?
Oh well another day over!
Only Years to go :(


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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Top 10's

Ever wanted to know what the top 10 funeral songs were?

I finally found a good site/blog which creates lists of top 10's for different topics. They are a good time filler if you are bored and if you are like me you will not agree and start to think about your own. So if you have a few minutes left to fill, I would advise this site

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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

How to get fit?

Easy way to get fit!

OK so today, i finally went to the gym! My Gym as it is now known, click here for more info on my gym. I say finally because it was my new years resolution and has taking me exactly nearly 4 months for me to set into the gyming world. And was i surprised at what I had let myself into.
OK so as a man i want to look good and expect to become a 'machine' within a day or two. So after entering the gym (and it did take a while, which i will explain later) i was amazed at the amount of machines i could choose from. So thought I would start easy and go for a nice jog on the tread mill. So started slowly, nice little warm and slowly increased my speed to 4,5,6,7 and stopped at 7.3 but yet still found it easy. How wrong was I!
No body told me that these take a while to speed up, so before i knew it i was sprinting at what must of been 100mph while scrambling for the stop button. After smashing my fist randomly on buttons until the damn machine stopped, I decided time to move on. Hoping no-one noticed.

So after a successfully stint on the rowing machine and a cross trainer, I thought i would enter the 'Strong-Man area'. Surrounded by men in tight tops and biceps's the size of my legs, who by the way were all drinking some shake stuff-apparently makes you more manly as I was told. Once again there were enough machines to feed the 5 thousand and because I'm a gym novice, i was cunningly waiting for other to use selected machines before my attempt. So after standing there staring at other men for about half an hour, I thought i had done a very good workout and would treat myself.
So for lunch went across the road to a certain fast food chain, which we call King Burger. While munching away on my double bacon cheese burger, i decided to end my fitness for this year. Not only have I most likely got a name for myself because of staring at men, I just don't fit in.
So If anyone knows any other way's of getting fit, where I don't have to move or diet!
Then send my way, anyways I'm off to have a shower!

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Monday, 27 April 2009

Can Swine Flu Killer?

Swine Flu The Killer!

Well after watching a news article about the newest 'pandemic' that is hitting the country...Swine Flu!
Yes a flu from a pig is starting to kill people, its not a funny subject and as we speak this flu is spreading around the world!
BREAKING NEWS- Swine Flu has hit SPAIN!
So while I'm writing this it just gets worse but i have 2 questions about swine flu?

  • How did it come about?
  • Are the animals getting payback?
OK so the first question, OK we know it was originally passed only from pig to pig (more info here) but how did it manage to get to NO! I recently watched a programme on BBC3 where 2 normal people decided to live like pigs! Yes live like Pigs! They had to eat, sleep and even talk to these Pigs for 4 days! If you missed it, its here!
People must of seen this and thought i can do that and that's why this swine flu is taking over!

So now for question 2, are the animals getting payback? Don't know if it is only me that has noticed this but slowly the animals are killing humans! First it was cows, they didn't as such kill humans but they destroyed peoples lives and businesses.
Secondly it was Chickens- everyone remembers Bird Flu. It was going to kill millions and take over the country!
Know its Pigs with this swine flu, I'm telling you people that the animals have had enough and are getting revenge on us people.

Who knows what will be next? Dog flu? Cat flu? Fly Flu?

Lets just pray they don't win this war. Its not terrorists anymore its animals we should be scared about!


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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Are Men Better Then Women?

Men Vs Women!

This has been one of the longest on going battles/arguments but after yesterdays blog I thought I would do some research into this battle!
And after hours of searching i found 5 reasons why men ARE better, so here goes:

  1. Jesus was a man-Even if you done believe in him, you will have heard about this man. You will have heard all the miracle's he done and in the end died for us. This shows how much of a nice and brave man he was and he was a man. So having the Son of Christ on our side buts us one-nil-up.
  2. Men die younger then women- You are probably thinking why is this good? But if us men decided to live for another 10 years, this means we would get another 10 years worth of benefits, paid by the tax payer. So by us dying at an earlier age saves YOU money.
  3. Women spread hatred- Women hate everything! They hate men, women, clothes, cars, men again, better looking women, old people, young people...just about everything. They hate it if you help and then moan if you don't? So what can we do?
  4. Men don't get pregnant!- As i said is number 2 we save YOU money, but women just want to spend YOUR money. Firstly they live till there 100 then they decide to have 8 kids, 8 kids=8 lots of benefits. Which of course is paid by YOU wonderful people. So by us men not getting pregnant where not only saving you money were also saving the country from more women!
  5. WE HAVE WILLY'S!- This is of course number one! Your bored? Your alone? Your drunk? Your being funny? Willy's give you a reason to solve any problem, you can play with it, you can use it, you can show it. The possibilities are endless for what willy's can do, they just make everyday worth living!

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