Mens Needs Solved: SEX- Every 7 seconds?

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Saturday, 25 April 2009

SEX- Every 7 seconds?

SO after reading an article about men and there thoughts, i remembered this 'fact'. Is it really possible that us men can think about sex every seconds a day?
So according to this 'fact' we think about sex roughly....
12,342 times a day!

Just in case u thought i made it up this is how i got this fantastic number:
(Seconds in day: 86,400) divided by (7 seconds:how often we think about it!)
Giving us 12,342.

OK that's a lot of sex even for us men, but come to think about it us men have this magnificent skill of turning any conversation into a sexual topic! I guarantee that at least once today you saw/read something that sent your pulse raising (probably sent something else raising as well :P )

It must be in our genes or something, because I'm sure women don't think about sex over twelve thousand times a day! Come to think of it, i may of just worked out why us men do this and women don't!

This does take in another fact thought, the one about Women saying three times the amount of words as men do per day. (Here) (Does prove it wrong though)
The 'fact' tells us that women just spend all day saying roughly 20,000 words a day while men only say 7,000. Why? Because were busy thinking, yes thinking about sex!
While women are talking, our mind is wondering to a subject about sex :)

So you heard it first! Will I Am has solved one of the longest unanswered questions!


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  1. I totally believe that men think about sex that much. I know I do.

    I heard that what women think the most about is money.

  2. This all happening by the thinking way and the climate of the particular space. If you go to Greenland, you can realize the above mentioned list are not proper.



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