Mens Needs Solved: Are Men Better Then Women?

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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Are Men Better Then Women?

Men Vs Women!

This has been one of the longest on going battles/arguments but after yesterdays blog I thought I would do some research into this battle!
And after hours of searching i found 5 reasons why men ARE better, so here goes:

  1. Jesus was a man-Even if you done believe in him, you will have heard about this man. You will have heard all the miracle's he done and in the end died for us. This shows how much of a nice and brave man he was and he was a man. So having the Son of Christ on our side buts us one-nil-up.
  2. Men die younger then women- You are probably thinking why is this good? But if us men decided to live for another 10 years, this means we would get another 10 years worth of benefits, paid by the tax payer. So by us dying at an earlier age saves YOU money.
  3. Women spread hatred- Women hate everything! They hate men, women, clothes, cars, men again, better looking women, old people, young people...just about everything. They hate it if you help and then moan if you don't? So what can we do?
  4. Men don't get pregnant!- As i said is number 2 we save YOU money, but women just want to spend YOUR money. Firstly they live till there 100 then they decide to have 8 kids, 8 kids=8 lots of benefits. Which of course is paid by YOU wonderful people. So by us men not getting pregnant where not only saving you money were also saving the country from more women!
  5. WE HAVE WILLY'S!- This is of course number one! Your bored? Your alone? Your drunk? Your being funny? Willy's give you a reason to solve any problem, you can play with it, you can use it, you can show it. The possibilities are endless for what willy's can do, they just make everyday worth living!

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  2. 1. Jesus born from Mary, a female.
    2. When dying, his wife getting the benifit from all the savings.
    3. they love girl child, they live with morhter. Both are females
    4. because the have prgnancy, you are getting a kid to love. also, you can find lots of family leading by women.
    5. willys never give you realistic enjoyments. they never serve you food also.

    tell me in your life, what was the bad happened with any women?

  3. Very good one do you create this one are take from some other website.

  4. Have you checked this theory out with your mom? And if you have a sister I'd really like to see her face when she reads this! :P

  5. Errr lets say i would get some abuse if my mum read this lol


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