As a man we all get bored very easily and seem to be able to entertain ourselves easily!
But just in case you are having one of those days were your mind cant do anything and your bored in the office, here are 3 ways to keep entertained at work!
- Office Olympics- This is the best way to stop boredom and also keep active, but you needs a few of your mates to join in, otherwise you may look a tad strange. There are many different activities you can do but these are my favourite:
- Office Chair Race- 2 opponents must power there 'Chariot's' down the corridor to the finish line. You can use any means necessary to slowdown your opponent apart from violence
- Trash Can Long jump- Line up all the trash cans in you office and all takes bets on how many you can jump over. The person who bets the most has to go first with that amount, if they fail they are out. Carrying on until you have a winner.
- Office Chair Swamp- You need to borrow as many office chairs as you can (the more the better) and place them all in a tight space or an office is the best. Then you have to get from one end to the other in the fastest time possibly.
For more info on office Olympics visit
2. as the site's name suggests its for those time's when your on the PC and pretending to do work! It has games, videos, viral and much more
3. Create a blog, why not? Create a blog about how you manage to entertain yourself at work!
Gives you hours of fun and also can bring in some extra money, who knows if your successfully you may even be able to quit and life off your blog.
(any blogs created about office boredom can thank me)
Or of course you could do some work! Could be fun?
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