Mens Needs Solved: 24/05/2009 - 31/05/2009

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Saturday, 30 May 2009

MP's Expenses

MP's claiming 2 mortgages!
Wasting the tax payers money!
Bugger off you MP's!
Well as most of the public (including me) now hate most of the MPs because of this expenses rubbish! People claiming money on two homes, because they live outside London. Wake up you knobs, millions of people have to travel to London everyday from across the country? SO what makes them to special that they can allow US to pay for a home, so they don't have to walk more then 10 meters!
Well i have designed a way to make they not have to 'travel' and now allow them to rip us taxpayers off!

Make the twats live in dorms!
Easy this way the MP's dint have to whinge about having to travel, because they can sleep meters away from the work place. It also will not cost the tax payer anything and the best part of it, is the fact it stops them from claiming our hard earned money!

So people of Britain I have created a petition on number
It is currently being 'reviewed' but once accepted i will post the link!
But here is another petition to get us started just sign it

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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Sex- 10 Things Not To Say

Men love SEX but what dont we want to here. Heres the top 10 things men dont want to here

10. "That was nice."

Did we just leave a community theater production of "Our Town"? If you enjoyed yourself, that's fantastic. In fact, that was probably our only goal during the session. But, please, use any other word to describe it-"hot," "amazing," or "incredible" are good starters.

9. "What wanna do now?"
Often said in conjunction with finished homework, this question makes us thinks you viewed the sex as a chore.

8. "Why'd you stop?"
God must've needed a laugh. That's the only explanation we can think of.

7. "Are you OK?"
If we start crying, forgo the sympathy and just pretend not to notice. Seriously, though -- we're in bliss. The last thing we want is to feel self-conscious.

6. "It's not you, it's me!"
This one is salvageable, because we can reply with, "You're right. You're just too hot for a normal man to handle." Although, chances are we're too busy trying to fashion a noose out of the bed sheets to notice.

5. "Man, I'm starving."
This implies that, the whole time we were trying to please you, you were thinking about food -- which we're not (for once!).

4. "Wanna try again?"
Even the most goal-oriented dudes will shudder at the word "try" as it relates to the bedroom. Between the sheets isn't the place for the Little Engine That Could.

3. "Everyone has an off night."
Off night? Oh, right. Yeah. Too bad you're not the girl we hooked up with last weekend. We rocked her world.

2. "Do you mind if I finish myself?"
Of course not. But, rather than ask permission, just go for it. The show will definitely help stitch up our wounded ego.

1. "It happens to lots of guys."
If you utter this phrase -- the single most abhorred combination of words in the history of spoken language -- then you deserve not to be satisfied.

Help with infomation From here

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Monday, 25 May 2009

Swap Shop For Adults

Followers of Mens Needs i am contacting you to tell you of my new and slightly dangerous mission! Remember the guy in America who traded a red paper clip for a house?
Well i thought "i can do that" but of course am aiming a lot lot lot lower!
So i created a new blog>>
Which will be the HQ for this mission!
So to dave you a visit i will post the first post on here aswell!
So people of blogger, help me on this mission!

1st Swap

OK fellow bloggers today i start my mission which could cost me my life! Yes it is a dangerous mission but i have taken upon myself to not be an average student and try to bring a bit of colour to my usally dull student life.
So here i offer my latest eBay splurge.
26th May 2009

What is it?
Canadian 1g .999 fine Silver Bar

How i got it?
From eBay!

hmmm a couple of pounds, lets say £4!


Open To Offers NOW!!
Leave a comment or email me at"

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MP's Expenses

£100 for 23 light bulbs to be changed?
MP's Costing Us Millions!

Firstly I must say sorry for not updating my blog for a while, firstly my laptop decided to crash and burn and then i had to spend a week on the side of a mountain! But I'm back!
And I'm on the warpath with MP's, who are costing the tax payer millions!
Why the hell should they be allowed to have US pay for there new home, mortgage, travel and even moats in some cases. Its disgusting, if we didn't pay the tax man we would be either fined thousands or end up behind bars. But yet there allowed to not pay tax or allow us to pay it!
They deserve to be shot, they have screwed up the entire country. Were in the worst recession for years but yet they think its is OK to take our few remaining pennies just to make there life a little bit easier! Who gives a poo about them! I could do a better job then them and it wouldn't cost the public a penny!
People need to speak up and vote at the next election, to prove to the stupid MP's that were not going to be taking for Mugs!
Well that's my rant over, hope all my fellow bloggers are OK!

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